The person who tagged u is?
Hwee Min
Your relationship with him/her is?
Archery friends
The most memorable thing he/she has done for you? Hmm..Cant think of any. Except fun to talk crap with during training, LOL!
If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
Dont think that'll happen... Shes taken.. hehe
If he/she becomes your lover, things he have to improve?
Errr... Hmmm... No idea..LOL!
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will... ?
OMG!... That will be damn scary!..
If he/she becomes your enemy the reason is?
Your overall impression of him/her?
FUNNY!... WHAHAH.. Fun to bully!...
How do you think people around you will think about that person?
AGAIN Funny and Crazy...AGAIN fun to bullly.. whaha!
Signing Outz...