Yes its the dreaded day that most people hate most --> Monday which equals to MONDAY BLUES... haha. See how time flies when ur having fun over the weekend. And I'll be 22 soon, My god!, the numbers rose at such rate.
So how to beat those monday blues of urs, heres some method I come up with. Dunnoe it will work or not ah =P
1. Chose to feel happy. It is a choice u know
2. Hop out of bed. Yes!, the moment u wakie, quickly get out. The more u linger in ur bed, the more u will feel stuck to it.. lol! (this one cfm lot of ppl have trouble with it)
3. Cold shower. Gives it a jolt to ur body to wakie (If water not cold enuff, take the water from fridge, haha!)
4. Laugh and Smile. Recall those happy memories or a good joke u had with ur friend (Pls dun do this while ur in bus or train, anywhere w/o crowd wll be fine)
5. Sleep Xtra hr on Mon morning. Though i knew some people who would slp more than that (Right or not rozzi? =P)
6. Dont think tmr is MON. Haha!, but in reality some of us will think of MON way ahead before it comes..lol!
7. Try smth new. listen to new songs, take a different route to werk or smth.
8. Plan smth special on MON night. Makes u looking forward to it. U'll be surprised at how fast time will flies on that day. I assure this =D
Labels: Happy Mon Blues!